Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hi All!

I have now gotten my 7th dose of Tysabri. Physically, I feel terrible
and feel like I'm progressing. I have absolutely no energy and could
sleep all of the time. I am having very intense stomach pain. It is
not heartburn-type pain. It feels like someone is twisting my gut just
below my sternum.

Here's the frustrating part...I had a baseline MRI done before my first
dose. I then had another before my 7th dose. The 2nd MRI showed no
new lesions and no enhancing lesions. Four lesions also began
resolving, lightening and shrinking, yet I feel lousy!

I am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing anything similar.
Just wondering if I can blame Tysabri for these unpleasant side-
effects??? Also, my doc suggested trying Provigil for the fatigue.
Anyone have any experiences with that drug?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Heath in Nebraska


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