Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Multiple Sclerosis vaccine

Multiple Sclerosis short-circuits the wiring in the brain, causing loss of feeling, vision problems, fatigue and weakness for about 400,000 Americans.

Four years ago, Sue Carlson could barely muster enough energy to work a half-day.

Multiple Sclerosis had weakened the entire right side of her body.

After six months on an experimental vaccine called Neurovax, her strength came back.

Neurovax works by increasing the number of disease-fighting white blood cells in the immune system.

Researchers say the results are encouraging, but larger studies are needed before it can be approved.

"We still have a large enough trial that goes on for a minimum of two years where we see a difference between the vaccinated patients and the control group or the placebo group," says Arthur Vandenbark, Ph.D. of the Oregon Health & Science University.

After a year without an injection, Sue is waiting for a new trial to begin, hoping that another dose will give her even more strength.


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